
Showing posts from December, 2021

52. See God Always Inside

  Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 52. See God Always Inside Our Saint Thirumoolar answers in this poem the question that we all have.  Can we see God as we see objects in the world with our eyes? Our Saint Thirumoolar says that God is to be experienced within our hearts with our love for God. வானுக்குள் ஈசனைத் தேடும் மருளர்காள் வானுக்குள் – in the sky; வானுக்குள்- ignorant persons. Our Saint Thirumoolar sings that “Ignorant persons search for God in the sky!” தேனுக்குள் இன்பம் சிவப்போ கறுப்போ He sings, “Would we know the sweetness of honey with our eyes – whether it is red or black in color?” There is no color for sweetness. தேனுக்குள் இன்பம் சிறந்திருந் தாற்போல் ஊனுக்குள் ஈசன் ஒளிந்திருந் தானே Our Saint Thirumoolar says that God is present in our body and hiding inside us, like the sweetness of honey that is present all  over honey! வானுக்குள் ஈசனைத் தேடும் மருளர்காள் தேனுக்குள் இன்பம் சிவப்போ கறுப்போ தேனுக்குள் இன்பம் சிறந்திருந் தா

51. God is One

  Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 51. God is One Our Saint Thirumoolar sings in the poem that God is One.  He explains that the same God,  is what Indian scriptures call by three names, Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. நின்றனன் மாலொடு நான்முகன் தானாகி மால் – Vishnu; நான்முகன் – brahma. He says that God (Siva) is also present as Vishnu and Brahma. நின்றனன் தான்நிலம் கீழொடு மேலென God is present everywhere on earth, below the earth and in the sky above the earth. He is present all these three worlds. நின்றனன் தான் நெடு மால்வரை ஏழ்கடல் நெடுமால்வரை – the long ranges of meru mountain, ஏழ்கடல்-  the seven oceans, the water that is present everywhere. Our Saint Thirumoolar nicely explains the omnipresent nature of God. He says that he is present on earth, in the worlds below and above earth. He then sings how does this God appear to his devotee?  நின்றனன் தானே வளங்கனி யாயே.   வளங்கனி – a ripe sweet fruit. Our Saint Thirumoolar sings that God who is o

50. God resides in all

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 50. God resides in all Our Saint Thirumoolar sings in this poem about the nature of God. God is not present for atheists. God exists for theists. those who melt with love for God, can have his vision.  இல்லனும் அல்லன் உளன் அல்லன் எம்இறை எம் இறை – God who is eternal; இல்லனும் அல்லன் – even if we are not able to see Him, or even if we deny His existence, he does not become non-existing. உளன் அல்லன் – He is indeed not present for those who do not have devotion or have not yet gained wisdom. Our Saint Thirumoolar uses the word “உளன்” to describe the experience of those who did not have God’s vision. உளன் அல்லன் – even though we had not yet received his vision, that does not mean that He does not exist. God’s divine qualities remain unchanged. Next, our Saint Thirumoolar explains the method to have God’s vision. கல்லது நெஞ்சம் பிளந்திடும் காட்சியன் கல்லது நெஞ்சம் – our heart that is like a stone (as it is wi

49. Blissful experience of God

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 49. Blissful experience of God Our Saint Thirumoolar sings in this poem on the blissful experience of remaining in deep meditation on God in silence, without any desire for worldly things. மெய்த்தவத் தானை God who is the ultimate goal of pure spiritual efforts including meditation. மெய்த்தவத் தானை விரும்பும் ஒருவர்க்குக் கைத்தலம் சேர்தரு நெல்லிக் கனியொக்கும் விரும்பும் ஒருவர்க்கு – any person who is making sincere efforts; கைத்தலம் சேர்தரு – in that person’s palm; நெல்லிக் கனியொக்கும் – as the gooseberry fruit; சுத்தனை – the changeless, eternal and ever present divine; சுத்தனைத் தூய்நெறி யாய்நின்ற தேவர்கள் அத்தனை தூய் நெறியாய் நின்ற – following the pure sacred spiritual path; தேவர்கள் அத்தனை – God who is also worshipped by the angels; அத்தன் -  God the father (Siva); அத்தனை நாடி அமைந் தொழிந் தேனே நாடி –seek with a wholeheartedly; அமைந் தொழிந் தேனே – without any distraction, with my mind remaining calm an

48. Seeing God within our body

  Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 48. Seeing God within our body God resides in our body and is hidden within our heart. Our Saints realized this truth (or secret) and confirmed that the goal of life is to experience that divine residing in our hearts. Many Saints also shared their experiences and guided spiritual aspirtants to experience God within. Our Saint Thirumoolar is a greatest among the various Saint in our world. In this poem he sings,  மாயனை நாடி மனநெடும் தேரேறிப் மாயனை – God is residing in a hidden form in our hearts, in the same way as ghee is present in milk. நாடி – we need to search for him; மனநெடும் தேரேறிப் – we need to embark on that aircraft which is our mind; நெடும்தேர் – it is an aircraft that flies long distances. போயின நாடறி யாதே புலம்புவர் போயின நாடு – the path to the destination; அறியாதே – unaware; புலம்புவர் – they cry because they are unable to see what they expected to see;  Our Saint Thirumoolar succinctly

47. God resides in our hearts

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 47. God resides in our hearts Our Saint Thirumoolar sings in this poem the experience of that Omnipresent God principle that also resides in our hearts. Our Saint sings with joy that, “I was able to keep within my heart that God who is present everywhere!” சிவன்வந்து தேவர் குழாமுடன் கூடப் பவம்வந் திடநின்ற பாசம் அறுத்திட்டு குழாம் – lineage; following the lineage of divine beings; பவம் – birth; பவம்வந் திடநின்ற பாசம் – the karmic bonds that come together with birth; அறுத்திட்டு – untangling that bond; அவன்எந்தை ஆண்டருள் ஆதிப் பெருமான் அவன்எந்தை – God who is my favorite father; ஆண்டருள் ஆதிப் பெருமான் – the primordial God who lovingly showers his blessings and enshrines my heart; அவன்வந்தென் னுள்ளே அகப்பட்ட வாறே அவன் – that sacred God (Siva) who is omnipresent and glorious; வந்தென்னுள்ளே – came down lovingly and enshrines the heart of my humble self;  அகப்பட்டவாறே – he locked himself within my heart! சிவன

46. God is the fruit for our spiritual efforts

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 46. God is the fruit for our spiritual efforts Our Saint Thirumoolar sings in this poem that “God provides sustenance for the world. For every being in this world, God is the indweller.”   By sharing on his own experience our Saint sings this poem telling us that each one of us can also make efforts to achieve that blissful experience.  ஒன்றுகண் டீர்உல குக்கொரு தெய்வமும் ஒன்றுகண் டீர்உல குக்குஉயி ராவதும் Not matter, what each religion may say differently, our Saint Thirumoolar emphatically says that all that refers to the same one God.  நன்றுகண் டீர்இனி நமசிவா யப்பழம் தின்றுகண் டேற்கிது தித்தித்த வாறே நமசிவாயப்பழம் – the sacred mantra is நமசிவாய – and the mantra is in praise of God (Siva). Our Saint refers to Siva as the fruit of that mantra. Our Saint says that this fruit is good and also bestows happiness. கண்டீர் – please experience; தின்று. – I have eaten that fruit; கண்டேற்கு -for me who has experi

45. Experiencing Eternal Happiness

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 45. Experiencing Eternal Happiness Our Saint Thirumoolar sings in this poem the experience of those enlightened persons who have managed to control their five senses and remain in oneness with the divine in bliss. We call those persons “those who have merged or reached”  Our Saint Thirumoolar has dedicated several poems in his book in praise of those who have “reached” this state. He sings about their state of “oneness with divine”. ஒழிந்தேன் பிறவி உறவென்னும் பாசம் கழிந்தேன் ஒழிந்தேன் பிறவி – As I have been fortunate to receive the blessings of God, I have also escaped from the need to be born again and experience the worldly joys and sorrows; உறவென்னும் பாசம் கழிந்தேன் – I have also become fortunate to untangle myself from the desire and worldly bonds of son, wife and relatives. ஒழிந்தேன் பிறவி உறவென்னும் பாசம் கழிந்தேன் கடவுளும் நானும்ஒன் றானேன் கடவுளும் நானும்ஒன் றானேன் – I have now become one with G

44. The three signs of experiencing bliss

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation   44. The three signs of experiencing bliss   In these three poems our Saint Thirumoolar how as we gradually make progress with our efforts to experience bliss, we also give up the “I” feeling (ego), and attain the wisdom that all that we see in nature are embodiments of God. When this awareness that all that we see in nature is God becomes stronger, we also slowly become aware that we are not the body with flesh, and not a separate being with life, not  the mind with memory and forgetfulness, and start to enjoy the constant bliss in the awareness that we are an embodiment of divine. The first poem explains this elegantly.  தானும் அழிந்து தனமும் அழிந்துநீடு ஊனும் அழிந்து உயிரும் அழிந்து  தானும் அழிந்து -the feeling of I or ego goes away; தனமும் அழிந்து – the feeling that the things that I have are mine goes away; ஊனும் அழிந்து – the illusory feeling that I am the body also goes away; உயிரும் அழிந்து – t

43. Practice is the way to experience divine bliss

Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 43. Practice is the way to experience divine bliss Our Saint Thirumoolar sings nicely in this poem on why merely reading books will not give us the divine experience. It is not possible to gain experience by reading what is written in the books, he says. The divine experience is bestowed on one by a teacher, who is also an embodiment of divine.  காட்டும் குறியும் கடந்தவர் காரணம் காட்டும் – an example குறி – indicator; கடந்தவர் – God is beyond the example and indicator. காரணம் – God is the source of all creations.  Our Saint says that we cannot give an example to explain God. Nor can one give a single indicator to identify God. God is beyond both these. ஏட்டின் புறத்தில் எழுதிவைத்து என்பயன்? ஏட்டின் புறத்தில் – pouring time on books; என்பயன் – what use will it be? Our Saint Thirumoolar says that written texts that explain about God and the methods to experience God are not of much use.  கூட்டும் குருநந்த

42. How to control the senses to experience bliss like enlightened persons

  Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform.  Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 42. How to control the senses to experience bliss like enlightened persons     Our Saint Thirumoolar sings in this nice poem on the glory of the experience of enlightened persons, who have escaped from the bonds of the world and are constantly thinking of divine. பற்றற் றவர்பற்றி நின்ற பரம்பொருள் பற்றற்றவர் – the enlightened persons who are not attached to the objects that are perceived by the senses. பற்றி நின்ற பரம்பொருள் – the omnipresent God that they have experienced by their single-minded devotion.   கற்றற் றவர்கற்றுக் கருதிய கண்ணுதல்   கற்று – after achieving wisdom; அற்றவர் – the saints; கற்றுக் கருதிய – what they meditate on with wisdom; கண்ணுதல் – God (Siva with the third eye). சுற்றற் றவர்சுற்றி நின்றஎன் சோதியைப்   சுற்று – worldly relationships or bonds; அற்றவர் – the saints who have untangled themselves from the worldly bonds; சுற்றி நின்ற   - w

41. Equanimity and Humility

  Teachings to treasure, teachings that transform. Thirumoolar Thavamozhi Motivation 41. Equanimity and Humility   In three nectarine poems, our Saint Thirumoolar sings about the greatness of enlightened persons and their noble qualities. Such persons are not easily influenced by neither harm nor praises by others.     செற்றிலென் சீவிலென்? செஞ்சாந்து அணியிலென்? செற்றிலென் – how does it matter when other harm; சீவிலென் – even causing physical harm; செஞ்சாந்து அணியிலென் – smearing the body with sandal paste and praising and worshipping.   Our Saint Thirumoolar nicely explains that enlightened persons do not change their behavior when either someone harms or praises them. They treat both these with the same attitude. They are not happy with one and unhappy with another. Our Saint goes on to further say that they are not upset by the harm done to them by those who do not know their true nature. மத்தகத் தேயுளி நாட்டி மறிக்கிலென்? மத்தகம் – crown of the